We help protect persons, property and the environment through the continued delivery of emergency services, awareness programs, response capability and capacity, and incident response and recovery for a safer Queensland.

Funding emergency services

The Emergency Management Levy (EML) is our primary means of funding.

The levy is collected via council rates notices and enables us to deliver emergency services to the community before, during and after emergency events.

Emergency management levies apply to properties across the state with levy district boundaries reviewed and adjusted as required to ensure the levy charged matches the level of emergency services available.

When urban and industrial development expands, EML boundaries or class changes may be required to ensure a fair levy contribution is made by all landowners receiving the benefit of those fire and emergency services.

Fire and Rescue resources

Due to urban and industrial developments, a review of our operational response areas for the permanently staffed fire and rescue stations located in the Somerset Regional Council area, was conducted and changes to the EML levy districts are being made in accordance with the Fire Services Act 1990 and the Fire and Service Regulation 2011.

Properties within the designated response area of a fire and rescue station which is staffed by auxiliary firefighters are required to pay a Class D levy. 

Some property owners in the Somerset Regional Council area currently paying a Class E levy and are receiving the benefit of the Class D service.  The correct levy Class D EML will commence from 1 July 2024.

A small number of properties in the Class E area on the edges of the Kilcoy Levy District areas will be included in the Class D EML. 

Applying the correct levy class will ensure all residents continue to receive an appropriately funded and comprehensive fire and emergency service response and that all similar properties contribute equally.

The existing rural fire brigades within these areas will continue to provide their vital and specialised services, with no change to their role.

How much will my rates increase by?

Properties included in the Kilcoy Levy District are within the Somerset Regional Council area. The following table provides the increase of EML based on the 2023–2024 financial year scheduled amounts.

CategoryAnnual E Class LevyAnnual D Class LevyAnnual Increase
Residential Property$119.00$119.00$ -
Vacant Land$29.20$29.20$ -
Industry (light, service or offensive) (gross floor area of 5,501-7,500m2)$1,752.20$7,778.60$6,026.40
Industry (heavy) (gross floor area of more than 15,000m2)$1,752.20$50,014.80$48,262.60

Commercial and industrial properties are charged varying amounts. A full list of EML scheduled amounts is listed in the Fire and Emergency Services Regulation 2011.

A 20 percent pensioner discount of the EML is available for their principal place of residence if the owner holds a Commonwealth Pensioner Concession Card or a Repatriation Health Card (Gold Card). If a property owner is currently receiving a pensioner discount on the EML, the pensioner discount will automatically be applied to the Class C EML. Eligible property owners should contact their Council to apply for property concessions which would include the EML pensioner discount.

How can I find out if my property is included?

Please visit - Emergency Management Levy District Mapping Tool and search for your address.  ? Click on the symbol and enter your address.  Properties affected are those within the pink boundary.

Figure 1 Map of Kilcoy Levy District including additional area
Figure 1 Map of Kilcoy Levy District including additional area


For further information about the EML, please refer to Frequently Asked Questions

Last updated 07 June 2024