Structural engineers

The AUS-1 DART team maintains 6 to 8 professionally accredited structural engineers as part of the deployable roster.

Role requirementsDART volunteers - engineers and doctors at work

You must:

  • hold Engineers Australia recognised civil / structural engineering qualifications
  • have at least 10 years professional experience commensurate with the role being undertaken in structural building assessment following damage or collapse
  • hold an Engineers Australia’s Chartered Professional Engineer (Civil / Structural) credential or other Engineers Australia recognised Chartered (Civil / Structural) credential.

You must also be:

  • able to communicate effectively and clearly within the team structure to highlight immediate and critical safety issues as identified, and conditions of caution for ongoing work activities 
  • capable of operating independently without mentoring or consultation
  • capable of working as part of an integrated team under the Command and Control of the AUS-1 DART Team Leader
  • able to work and live in harsh environments
  • physically, mentally and medically fit.

Structural engineers’ activities and role

You’ll be required to:

  • assess the immediate structural condition of the affected area of AUS-1 DART Team operations which includes identifying structure types and specific damage.
  • recommend the appropriate type and amount of structural hazard mitigation to minimise risks on site to AUS-1 DART Team personnel.
  • adhere to all safety procedures.
  • cooperate and assist with other search and rescue resources.
  • monitor assigned structure for condition changes while rescue and recovery operations are proceeding.
  • assume an active role in implementing structural hazard mitigation as a designer, inspector and possibly a supervisor
  • be accountable for maintenance and minor repairs for all issued equipment.
  • perform additional tasks and non-engineering related duties as assigned during the deployment, such as assist in setting up of Base of Operations and living quarters
  • undertake required training as directed.

More information

If you would like more information or are interested in volunteering, please email


Last updated 04 July 2024