This dashboard provides a snapshot of current incidents across Queensland.
- Active incidents include all current and active tasks that we have or are responding to. It may include structure fires, vegetation fires, road crash rescues, hazardous materials incidents and other types of incidents.
- Current bushfires is the number of bushfires currently burning.
- Vehicles on scene refers to the total number of Queensland Fire and Rescue and Rural Fire Service Queensland vehicles currently in attendance at incidents.
All figures are updated every 5 - 10 minutes. Figures may differ from our other incident counts due to filtering.
This information is extracted from the Queensland Emergency Services Computer Aided Dispatch (ESCAD) database. It is not ‘real time’ information, but is provided as a general indication of current activity. The symbols represent the general area of the incident/s. Although every care is taken to ensure that all information on this website is accurate and up-to-date, we cannot accept any responsibility for mistakes or omissions.