Emergencies Non-emergencies
Phone: Triple Zero (000)
TTY: 106
Phone: Australia: 13 QGOV (13 74 68)
Phone: International: +61 7 3405 0985



Stay focused, stay relevant, stay on the line 

The Triple Zero (000) service is the quickest way to get the right emergency service to help you. You can contact Police, Fire or Ambulance in life threatening or emergency situations.

Learn more

Need emergency help during or after a flood or storm?

132 500 is the number to call if you need the assistance of the State Emergency Service (SES) in non-life-threatening emergency situations, during floods and storms or other similar events. If the situation is life threatening, always call Triple Zero (000).

Parents/teachers Information

Teach your kids about Triple Zero (000) 




Young children are capable of learning how and when to dial 000, a fun way to do this is by playing the Triple Zero kid's challenge.

In the panic of an emergency, some people forget to dial 000 or assume that someone else has done it - so reinforcing 000 for emergencies will help the whole family, not children.

Here are the important steps to teach:

  • If you see a fire or other emergency dial zero, zero, zero (000) on the telephone.
  • When the operator answers, ask for the service you want - e.g. Fire, Ambulance, Police.
  • Wait to be connected and you will be asked what the emergency is - e.g house fire.
  • You will then be asked the address.
    • Try to teach children the full address, including the house number, street name, suburb and town, and even the cross street (the street that forms the nearest corner).
    • If your child is too young to learn your full address, you should still teach them to ring 000 - caller line identification technology gives emergency communications operators the address from which a call has been made.
  • Tell the operator if you think anyone is hurt or trapped.
  • Wait for the operator to hang up before you do.
  • Get out of the house and wait outside for the emergency service to arrive.

By teaching your child what happens when they dial 000 in an emergency and practising with them (without actually placing a call), it could one day save their life - and yours.
