The Queensland Government is delivering one of the most significant bodies of change to Queensland's disaster and emergency management system, ensuring we are best placed to continue delivering exceptional services to all Queenslanders. 

Work is underway ahead of the 2024 natural disaster season, with the goal to modernise service delivery arrangements, simplify operational structures and focus resources. 

The reforms follow recommendations from an independent review of Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) that examined the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of QFES and its associated volunteer entities. 

A new Queensland Fire Department (QFD) will be established to focus on continuing to deliver world-class fire and rescue services to the people of Queensland. 

The Queensland Police Service (QPS) will be expanded to include disaster management functions, marine rescue activities in the soon-to-be-established Marine Rescue Queensland (MRQ), and the State Emergency Service (SES). The changes will address any identified needs and deliver a strong and sustainable SES into the future. 

The SES will remain a shared responsibility between the State Government and local councils, as this partnership is highly effective in protecting and supporting communities during natural disasters and emergencies. 

Want to know more? Visit the Disaster and Emergency Management Reform website or contact the Reform Implementation Taskforce

Disaster Management in Queensland is a shared responsibility. We collaboratively work with our many partners and stakeholders to undertake and manage disaster management activities as legislated by the Disaster Management Act 2003 and Disaster Management Regulation 2014. The Queensland State Disaster Management Plan outlines the functions, roles and responsibilities for all agencies involved in disaster management in Queensland. It guides, contributes to and supports the resilience of local communities across prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.

Our disaster management activities include:

  • ​provision of disaster management advice and support
  • disaster management training and development
  • development and maintenance of the disaster management guideline
  • disaster management exercising
  • community engagement and awareness
  • state-wide disaster monitoring​ and reporting
  • notifications and warning systems management
  • disaster planning support, review and assessment
  • disaster risk management services
  • disaster operations readiness, response and recovery support

Further information on disaster management activities and Queensland Disaster Management Arrangements (QDMA) can be found on the Disaster Management website. This is a Queensland Government website managed by the Queensland Police Service, providing a platform to make disaster management information, resources and doctrine easily available.

Last updated 07 June 2024