To report all fires, call Triple Zero (000)

Subscribing to feeds

Feeds, also known as “RSS feeds”, “XML feeds” or “news feeds”, can help you to keep up-to-date with information from the our websites. Feeds can be viewed using some browsers or by using a feed reader (also known as feed aggregator) software.

RSS icon View the RSS Text feed or the CAPlogo Common Alerting Protocol - Australia (CAP-AU) feed of the current bushfire warnings and incidents across Queensland. These feeds provide text-based versions of the above Current Bushfire Warnings Map.

Additional bushfire warnings data feed options are available on Queensland Government Open Data Portal.

Note: The data feed can have up to a 5 minute delay after warning updates are published.


Understanding warning levels



Advice warnings are yellow.

Advice warnings mean you are not in danger but you need to be alert and listen for warnings in case the hazard gets worse or closer to you. 

Watch and act

Watch and act warnings are orange. 

If there is a Watch and Act warning issued for your area, you could be in danger because conditions are changing. You need to act now to be safe.

Watch and Act

Emergency warning

An Emergency warning is red. 

This is the highest level of warning. Emergency warnings mean you are in danger and you need to act IMMEDIATELY to be safe. The warning will list the actions you need to take to survive.


Last updated 27 February 2025