Independent Complaints Management System Review Report
In December 2023, the then Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, now Queensland Fire Department (QFD), engaged independent third-party Prominence Consulting to review the department’s complaints management system, report on its findings and make recommendations for improvement.
The review encompasses the broad suite of complaint and feedback mechanisms available to the department's workforce, customers and community and forms an element of the wider program of cultural reform being driven across QFD in response to the findings of earlier reviews.
Prominence Consulting delivered the Final Report for a Complaints Management System Review to the department on 3 September 2024.
The review report notes the sustained effort by the Queensland Government and the department to create a safer, more respectful work environment and the ongoing vigilance and commitment required to achieve lasting cultural change.
- View the Independent Complaints Management System Review Report (PDF, 6.54MB)
- View the Queensland Fire Department Response (PDF, 387KB) to the Independent Complaints Management System Review Report
Climate Change Position Paper and Action Plan
The Climate Change Position Paper 2018 outlines Queensland Fire and Emergency Services' approach to the impact of a changing climate on our service delivery. It describes 5 principles: integrated approach; risk-based decision-making; sustainability; systems thinking and knowledge sharing.
Click to view the Climate Change Position Paper (PDF, 1.49 MB)
In July 2021, the Queensland Government released the Queensland Climate Action Plan 2020-2030, which outlines Queensland's roadmap to: reach its emissions and renewables targets; create jobs; and drive economic recovery from COVID-19. Following the release of the Queensland Climate Action Plan 2020-2030, QFES' developed the QFES Climate Action Plan 2022-26.
Click to view the QFES Climate Action Plan 2022-26 (PDF, 1 MB)
Cultural Capability Action Plan
The Queensland Government’s Moving Ahead Strategy 2016-2022, led by the Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (DSDSATSIP), is the foundation document that underpins all government actions aimed at creating a culturally capable workforce to ensure First Nations people share the same opportunities as non-Indigenous Queenslanders.
To support achieving the priorities of the Moving Ahead Strategy, QFES has developed an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Capability Action Plan (CCAP) 2022-2025 (PDF, 1 MB). The QFES CCAP will further build QFES' cultural capability and continue to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives are a part of QFES’ core business and service delivery.
QFES are working toward improving the cultural capability of our workforce by taking action underpinned by the five principles:
- Valuing Culture
- Leadership and Accountability
- Building cultural capability to improve economic participation
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander engagement and stronger partnerships
- Culturally responsive systems and services.
Disability Service Plan
Queensland’s Disability Plan 2022-27: Together, a better Queensland (the Queensland Plan) outlines the strategic priorities for the Queensland Government to support implementation of Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031 and achieve the best outcomes for Queenslanders with disability. The Queensland Plan provides a framework for a whole-of-government, coordinated approach to service delivery for people with disability.
Under the Disability Services Act 2006, all Queensland Government departments are required to develop and implement a disability service plan at least once every three-years. These disability service plans are a key mechanism for implementing the Queensland Plan.
The Queensland Fire Department (QFD) supports the Queensland Plan and takes action to support its outcomes.
Following the establishment of the QFD on 1 July 2024 with its new remit, a QFD Disability Service Plan 2024 2027 is currently being finalised.
Disability Service Plan 2024-2027 - Under development at November 2024
Disability Service Plan Refresh 2021-22 (PDF, 428KB)
Disability Service Plan Refresh 2020-21 (PDF, 1.1MB)
Disability Service Plan 2017-2020 (PDF, 4MB)
Disability Service Plan Progress Report 2023-24 (PDF, 272KB)
2022-23 QFES actions and initiatives that support people with disability *
2021-22 QFES actions and initiatives that support people with disability *
Disability Service Plan Progress Report 2020-21 (PDF, 200KB)
Disability Service Plan Progress Report 2019-20 (PDF, 221KB)
Disability Service Plan Progress Report 2018-19 (PDF, 287KB)
Disability Service Plan Progress Report 2017-18 (PDF, 259KB)
* For 2021-22 and 2022-23 departmental actions and initiatives that support people with disability refer to the related Queensland Fire and Emergency Services’ annual report ‘Supporting inclusion and diversity – Supporting people with disability’. QFES annual reports are available from the Queensland Parliament's tabled papers website.
Equity and Diversity Plan
QFES Equity and Diversity Plan (PDF, 1.16 MB)
Independent Review of QFES
Independent Review of QFES (PDF, 12.72 MB)
SES Review - Sustaining the SES - Partnering for Change (PDF, 1.84 MB)
Government Response to Independent Review of QFES (PDF, 255 KB)
Multicultural Action Plan
The Multicultural Recognition Act 2016 (the Act) articulates the Queensland Government’s commitment to multiculturalism and fostering opportunities for people from a range of diverse cultural, religious and linguistic backgrounds. The Act is supported by the Queensland Multicultural Policy 'Our story, our future', promoting an inclusive, harmonious and united Queensland. The policy sets priorities for Queensland Government action to achieve positive outcomes for Queenslanders from culturally diverse backgrounds. It focuses on three priorities:
- culturally responsive government
- inclusive, harmonious and united communities
- economic opportunities.
The Queensland Multicultural Action Plan 2022-23 to 2023-24 is the third Multicultural Action Plan (MAP) released under the Act. It builds on outcomes achieved under the first and second MAPs and will continue to drive Queensland Government action to support an environment of opportunity and achieve improved social and economic outcomes for people from culturally diverse backgrounds.
Previous Plans
Queensland Multicultural Action Plan 2019-20 to 2021-22 (the Second Action Plan)
Queensland Multicultural Action Plan 2016-17 to 2018-19 (the First Action Plan)
Annual Reports
Multicultural Action Plan Annual Performance Report 2023-24
Multicultural Action Plan Annual Performance Report 2022-23
Multicultural Action Plan Annual Performance Report 2021-22
Multicultural Action Plan Annual Performance Report 2020-21
Multicultural Action Plan Annual Performance Report 2019-20
Reframing the Relationship Plan
Reframing the Relationship Plan (PDF, 804 KB)
Regulator Performance Framework Annual Performance Report
The Better Regulation Strategy, which includes the Regulator Performance Framework, recognises the actions and performance of regulators in implementing, administering and enforcing regulations. The strategy plays a significant role in achieving the policy objective of regulation, while reducing the regulatory burden experienced by stakeholders, regulated parties and regulators.
To maximise the effectiveness of the framework, regulators are required to report annually (from 2018–19) to demonstrate the extent to which they are implementing the model practices in the framework and to outline plans for future improvements of their business practices.

Queensland Fire Department's regulatory activities include enforcing compliance with legislated fire safety standards and processing applications for advice on building work assessable against the Building Act 1975. Regulated business entities include small and medium businesses across retail, tourism, construction, hospitality, accommodation and agriculture.
Regulator Performance Framework Annual Performance Report 2023-24 (PDF, 489 KB)
Regulator Performance Framework Annual Performance Report 2022-23 (PDF, 412 KB)
Regulator Performance Framework Annual Performance Report 2021-22 (PDF, 448 KB)
Regulator Performance Framework Annual Performance Report 2020-21 (PDF, 416 KB)
Regulator Performance Framework Annual Performance Report 2019-20 (PDF, 339 KB)
Regulator Performance Framework Annual Performance Report 2018-19 (PDF, 618 KB)
QFD Strategy and Strategic Plans
QFD's foundation and direction for a safer tomorrow
Beyond the Smoke: Queensland Fire Department's Foundation and Direction for a Safer Tomorrow serves to lay the foundation for understanding QFD's complex service delivery environment. It is aimed at fostering transparency and cooperation by delineating the departments roles, responsibilities, history, vision, purpose, objectives, services and operating context. Moreover, it underscores the connection between our broader strategy, policy, and planning tools, while setting enduring priorities and values.
Beyond the Smoke: Queensland Fire Department's Foundation and Direction for a Safer Tomorrow (PDF 5.44MB)
Volunteerism Strategy
Volunteerism Strategy (PDF, 7.97 MB)
Strategic Plan
2024 - 2028 (PDF 2.54MB)
2023 Update (PDF, 416 KB)
2022-2026 (PDF, 239 KB)
2021-2025 (PDF, 339 KB)
2020-2024 (PDF, 980 KB)
2019-2023 (PDF, 3.79 MB)
2018-2022 (PDF, 1.26 MB)
2017-2021 (PDF, 1.23 MB)
Strategic Workforce Plan
2022-2025 (PDF, 367 KB)
Our Partners
Our commitment to stakeholder engagement (PDF, 3.65 MB)
Engagement Strategy (PDF, 4.94 MB)
Open Data Strategy (PDF 2.7 MB)