Documents released under the Right to Information Act 2009 are progressively published via our disclosure log. Our disclosure log provides details of information released in response to non-personal Right to Information requests made to us. It contains a description of the information released and, where possible, a link to that information.

Publishing blank pages on Disclosure Logs

In some cases, deleting information under section 78B will result in no text remaining on a document. Similarly, blank pages may exist due to redaction through the decision-making process, for example, where a page contains irrelevant information or access to the document was refused. There is no public benefit in publishing documents containing only blank pages, or only deletions, particularly as their publication impacts on the capacity of the web to publish other, more useful material. On this basis, departments and Ministers are not expected to publish blank pages on disclosure logs. Where pages are blank as a result of decision-making processes, these pages are not included on the disclosure log.

Reasons for not Publishing Documents

Where the released documents are not attached to the relevant entry (from 3 January 2014), the following information will help you identify the department’s reason for not including the documents:

  • No documents released, or pages would be blank after the removal of personal information.
  • Documents not published due to privacy or confidentiality considerations.
  • Documents contain information that could be defamatory.
  • Documents not published due to copyright or contractual considerations or prevented by law.
  • Publication of documents may cause substantial harm to an entity.
  • No documents.
  • Due to size constraints, copies of actual CCTV footage for this application cannot be published on the Disclosure Log. You can obtain copies of the released footage by emailing a request with the details of the information requested, including the application reference number to

Alternatively, you can send a written request to:

The Manager
Right to Information and Information Privacy Unit
Queensland Fire Department
GPO Box 1425
Brisbane Qld 4001

Telephone: 07 3635 3303


If you have any questions or concerns about the disclosure log, please contact the Right to Information and Information Privacy Unit on (07) 3635 3303 or email: 

Note: Some of the documents on this site are currently only available in .pdf format. Should you be unable to read these documents please contact us. We will endeavour to meet all reasonable requests to provide the document in an alternative format.

Partner Agencies Disclosure Logs

To view our partner agencies disclosure logs, please click on the following:

Last updated 27 June 2024