How can I help?

There are many ways that you can support individuals, families and organisations affected by natural disasters, such as bushfires or floods.

Supporting the community

Registered charities are trained to respond to the needs of communities hit by natural disasters and can provide food, equipment, shelter, and other support right where it is needed.

If you wish to give to a charity raising funds to assist regions affected, please consider giving monetary donations online or by phone. 

Leading charities raising funds to help communities include The Australian Red Cross Society, The Salvation Army, St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland, Lifeline Queensland or GIVIT. Further information can be found on the Queensland Government site.

Supporting Rural Fire Brigades

The dedication and commitment of our volunteers in ensuring the safety and well-being of fellow Queenslanders is greatly valued by the community.

Monies received through your generous donations help the provision of essential equipment that assists volunteers in performing the many and varied functions that are required by their communities.
If you wish your donation to benefit a specific Rural Fire Brigade, multiple Brigades or community locations please include these instructions with your donation. Find your local RFSQ brigade. 

All donations of $2 or more can be tax deductible and donors can be provided with a tax receipt.

ABN 26 940 251 986

How to donate

Make a donation by credit card – via BPoint

You can make a credit card donation to any Rural Fire Brigade.

THE NEW COMMONWEALTH BANK LOGO PNG IN 2025 - eDigital AgencySecure online donation

Deposit funds directly

Make deposits directly into the trust account using these bank account details:

Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB: 064 013
Account: 1000 9219

Post a cheque or money order

Post a cheque or money order to:

'Rural Fire Volunteer Brigade Donation Fund'
Mail Cluster 8.1, 
GPO Box 1425, 

Please note - we do not accept cheques in international currency.

Please note:

To nominate a specific brigade to receive your donation, include the name of the Brigade in your reference.

Receipts will automatically be provided when you donate through BPoint.

THE NEW COMMONWEALTH BANK LOGO PNG IN 2025 - eDigital AgencySecure online donation

To request a receipt for other payment options, please email your name, address, date of deposit and amount to

Contact The Trust

Address: Rural Fire Volunteer Brigade Donation Fund Trustees
                125 Kedron Park Road
                Kedron QLD 4031

Have you received a phone call seeking donations?

As a government organisation, the Rural Fire Service is unable to solicit donations, however you may have been contacted by the Rural Fire Brigades Association Queensland (RFBAQ). The RFBAQ is a representative body external to Queensland Fire Department​ and the Rural Fire Service Queensland. The purpose of the RFBAQ is to represent the volunteers. The RFBAQ also provide financial assistance to rural fire brigades for equipment.

To raise money for rural fire brigades, the RFBAQ contacts Queensland residents selling art union tickets and/or seeking donations. As the RFBAQ is a registered charity, those on the ‘Do No​​t Call’ Register can still be contacted.

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services has no control over or input into the RFBAQ practice of selling art union tickets or soliciting donations for Rural Fire Brigades. All enquiries regarding these issues should be referred to the RFBAQ.

Find out more about the RFBAQ.

Have some questions? Get in touch via RFBAQ Contact Us.
