Rural Fire Service Week 2024
Sunday 28 July - Saturday 3 August
Rural Fire Service Week 2024 is a statewide week-long celebration recognising and celebrating the commitment of Rural Fire Service Queensland (RFSQ) volunteer members, who help keep Queensland communities safe.
Local Events
Thank you for showing your support and joining a local celebration.
2024 Volunteer of the Year and 2024 Young Volunteer of the Year Awards
During RFS Week, RFSQ formally acknowledged outstanding volunteer members with awards presented in the following categories:
- RFSQ Regional Volunteer of the Year
- RFSQ Regional Young Volunteer of the Year (16 - 25 years)
- RFSQ State Volunteer of the Year
- RFSQ State Young Volunteer of the Year (16 - 25 years)
Volunteer of the Year - State
Brendan Gold
Guanaba Rural Fire Brigade
“I first joined the RFS in 2003 and since that time I have never felt so rewarded. I have learned a lot of valuable skills and made some fantastic friendships from all over the state. The feeling you get when you know and see all the good you do for not only your community but also afar there is no feeling like it.”

Volunteer of the Year - special posthumous award Central Region
Raymond Murphy
Bondoola Rural Fire Brigade
“Raymond (Murph) enjoyed passing on and sharing his wealth of knowledge in firefighting and his local awareness of the local terrain. This played a great part of his respect and proudness for the Bondoola Rural Fire Brigade and surrounding areas.”

Volunteer of the Year - Northern Region
Stuart Yendle
Wonga Beach Rural Fire Brigade
Volunteer of the Year - South Eastern Region
Nigel Kemp
Bli Bli and District Rural Fire Brigade
“Volunteering within a community gives you a feeling of satisfaction, pride, and fulfilment. It enables you to meet likeminded people from all walks of life working to a common goal. The RFS can be like an extended family.”

Volunteer of the Year - South Western Region
Chris Myers
Crows Nest Rural Fire Brigade
Young Volunteer of the Year - State
Ben Pearson
Gilston Advancetown Rural Fire Brigade
“I volunteer with the RFSQ as it’s a way of life now being able to do things I enjoy, hang out with mates, and help people out.”

Young Volunteer of the Year - Central Region
Bailey Smith
McEuen Rural Fire Brigade
“I am a volunteer of the RFSQ because my brigade feels like a second family. I love attending call outs because it is challenging, and I am able to help out the community.”

Young Volunteer of the Year - South Eastern Region
Lachlan Steele
Gilston Advancetown Rural Fire Brigade
“I've always been someone who loves helping and giving back. After learning how much the RFS does, I joined up at Gilston when I was 16 to pursue helping the community the way I do today.”

Young Volunteer of the Year - South Western Region
Claire Case
Cabarlah Rural Fire Brigade
“I volunteer with the rural fire service because I enjoy being part of something that is bigger than myself. I love the camaraderie and support that comes from working with my fellow firefighters, and I find a sense of passion and purpose when assisting communities in times of need. And I love driving big yellow trucks!!