Leadership coaching and consultation

FESSN provides Leaders coaching for wellbeing or mental health issues within team members. This can assist in developing strategies and confidence to tackle the more challenging people management situations, especially those involving emotional responses and well-being.

Coaching and consultation with management

Leadership development, focuses on:

  • Leadership behaviours as this is often the best predictor of a teams coping and performance abilities
  • How to best understand and respond to sensitive issues such as duty of care, discrimination and mental health and well-being
  • Equipping leaders with the right tools and knowledge to appropriately manage more complex situations


Active Resilience Engagement Program

As an organisation we are challenged by various types of stressors that impact mental health. Exposure to graphic and potentially distressing scenes is both a risk factor for the development of mental health challenges and a common part of the working life of frontline members. It is a myth that years on the job hardens people to trauma. Mental health is a key predictor of workplace safety incidents, workplace conflict and poor morale. Research consistently points to the fact that workplace mental health becomes expressed through increased conflict and dissatisfaction with leadership and the organisation.

Many workplace programs that aim to minimise mental health issues and psychosocial risk are not effective because they are reactive wait until distress or risk is created and then attempt to resolve it – and passive rely on the individual to seek assistance. Proactive prevention and active engagement is far more successful at enabling access to support without the perception of judgement or discrimination.

Resilience within an organisation like ours is critical. By maximising our resilience, we can perform at our best – we make better decisions, we engage more effectively with others and we are more satisfied at the end of the day.

What is QARE?

QARE is a program that involves active engagement of target groups into routine 1:1 QARE Coach mental fitness check-ups to promote resilience.

QARE is different from counselling. Counselling typically focused on supporting individuals, whereas QARE engages with everyone within a group, based on the idea that everyone can benefit from thinking about how to maximise their mental fitness.

QARE check-ups may be a simple one-off check-in for groups experiencing challenging or peak performance times.  Alternatively, check-ups may be scheduled at regular intervals (i.e., quarterly) for groups exposed to sustained challenges.

QARE is voluntary and members can ‘opt-out’ but every group member is encouraged to attend.  

What is a QARE Coach?

QARE Coaches are external consultants with extensive experience working within the emergency services industry and who specialise in maximising mental fitness.

QARE Coaches maintain complete confidentiality – no details are reported back to us.

What happens in a QARE check-up?

The 1:1 consultation typically reviews mental fitness, this may include self-report measures, and focuses on tools / strategies to be at our best.

For further information, please email FESSN@qfes.qld.gov.au or phone 1300 309 508.

COVID-19 Check-in Service

COVID-19 has meant big changes to the way we all live, work and connect with others.  This is especially true for those living alone or who may be more vulnerable to health issues.

The FESSN COVID-19 check-in service is a confidential service that can help to reduce feelings of isolation and help people feel connected and supported.

This a great service for Leaders to refer people who may be in quarantine or isolating while waiting for test results.

Staff and volunteers referred to the service will receive a check-in call from a Peer Support Officer or one of the qualified FESSN management practitioners.

For further information, including referral forms visit the FESSN website: FESSN COVID-19 Support


FESSN provides highly experienced trainers who understand the unique challenges experienced by personnel, applying this knowledge to develop and deliver targeted training that has practical value. Training includes:

  • Mental Health and Suicide Awareness
  • Resilience
  • Mental toughness
  • Leading through critical times
  • Information sessions about FESSN services
  • Stress management
  • Communication skills
  • Management tools for staff well-being
  • CIRM Strategic Response to Crisis
  • Injury in the workplace – early intervention protocol for managers
  • Managing change


If you would like a call back to discuss advice regarding a current matter or any other leadership related request please email FESSN@qfes.qld.gov.au

FESSN Leaders brochure
