Performance solutions must satisfy the requirements of NCC clause A2.2 with the mandatory requirement for consultation of the performance-based design brief (PBDB) to occur and obtain agreement from the relevant stakeholders of the performance solution. We are a relevant stakeholder in our role as a referral advice agency.

Following the stages for the process in Figure 1, coupled with the adoption of the guidance and position statements published by us, should facilitate a straightforward process for our referral agency advice with regards to performance solution.

Stages of our referral process for performance solutions 

  1. Prepare PBDB with our guidance applied in the PBDB: Access our referral advice guide to develop PBDB consistent with our operational requirements in the built environment (Table 2 of guide).
  2. Lodge PBDB with us and Request for Comment on PBDB: Lodge the PBDB for formalised engagement to us with the project aligned with suitability to our operations.
  3. PBDB consultation/meeting(s) with ratified fire safety outcomes: Engagement with our regional representatives (BAOs).
  4. Request for Assessment: We undertake assessment in accordance with legislated jurisdiction.
  5. Referral agency response: Formal advice to assessment manager regarding approval based on suitability of proposal for us.
  6. Decision Notice: Assessment manager makes decision for building approval with consideration of our referral agency response.
  7. Inspection: Notification to us to inspect relevant aspects of the building.

Note: changes and amendments to the design and construction undertaken after we have issued referral agency advice, may affect the substance of our advice, and may also affect the compliance of the performance solutions(s).

Applications for building approval officer (BAO) involvement are to be made via e-lodgement.

We endorse the stakeholder engagement process as detailed within the Australian Fire Engineering Guidelines, Edition 2021 and we will make a BAO available to participate as a relevant stakeholder.

Our BAO is the specific representative for the referral process as they are experienced operational firefighters with specialist knowledge and training in the built environment. These Officers are supported more broadly by our technical specialists in the fields of fire engineering, building code compliance and special operations.

Last updated 06 June 2024