The Queensland Government, working with local governments and the Commonwealth, has developed statewide evacuation area mapping for the Queensland coastline. This mapping identifies broad areas for evacuation in the event of a tsunami, to support community warnings and risk-informed planning.

Remember in the event of a tsunami, move immediately to higher ground and listen to your local radio station for information, warnings and advice. If you are unable to evacuate in time, seek shelter in the upper storey of a sturdy brick or concrete building.

This interactive application allows you to explore the tsunami evacuation areas for Queensland. Use the tabs at the top left of the screen to view the map legend, layers and add data.

Use the 'find address or place' bar to search for an address or location. If your device has location services enabled, click on the 'my location' button below the search bar to find your location.

Use the dark button on the top right to change the basemap, and the two arrows at the bottom left to collapse and expand the sidebar. On a mobile device, you can navigate past the maps using the far left and right edges of the screen.

Assumptions and limitations

All events will be different. This tsunami evacuation area mapping should be treated as a conservative estimate of potential exposure. Information within the mapping and related products has been drawn from a variety of sources and may not be up to date.

For more information on Tsunami email

The resources below provide more information on tsunami risk, including guidance on planning and warnings:

Last updated 02 November 2021