Fight Fire Fascination Program Logo


The Fight Fire Fascination (FFF) program is designed to support parents and guardians with their efforts to educate their children about fire.

It is based on a belief that children and young people can learn skills to remain safe from fire. This is achieved through a series of visits to the home by specially trained firefighters.

Submit an enquiry via our form, email or view the FFF Program brochure. (PDF, 697 KB)

Key features

  • FFF is available to children and young people aged between 3 and 17 who have been involved in at least 1 concerning fire incident.
  • It is a voluntary program initiated by a parent, caregiver or by a young person able to give consent.
  • It is free and confidential.
  • It is delivered by two carefully selected and trained operational firefighters.
  • It is delivered in the home of the child/young person.
  • It is an educational program, designed to teach children and young people to respect fire and develop fire safety skills.
  • The program has a carefully designed standard ‘3-visit plus celebration’ structure; with flexibility to respond to the needs and circumstances of each child and family.
  • The program works in partnership with schools, mental health services and other community agencies to ensure children and families get the help they need.

Does it work?

How do parents describe how FFF has changed their child?

  • “Hasn’t touched matches again”
  • “Understands the dangers now”
  • “Respects fire more”
  • “More mature and understands more about fire safety”
  • “Won’t touch lighters anymore”

What do parents have to say about the firefighters who visit their homes?

  • “They spoke with the kids in their language”
  • “They were honest and didn’t judge. They were friendly and open”
  • “They made my child realise their action towards other people”
  • “Great information”