The National Construction Code (NCC) has identified the mandatory compliance for performance solutions.
Under the NCC, performance solutions are to be prepared with the relevant stakeholders. We are a referral advice agency and also undertake the fire brigade intervention role written in the NCC.
The mandatory requirements of NCC clause A2G2 are specific to the compliance of the performance solutions, and we identify this Guide as the initial step of consultation with us as a relevant stakeholder for performance solutions.
Specifically, the preparation of a PBDB must be done with reference to our published guidance and relevant advice. Of fundamental importance to us is that the PBDB must establish the fire safety outcomes that the design and construction phases shall deliver at project completion. In this context, all of the relevant aspects of fire safety and performance solution(s) can be agreed upon at the PBDB stage for a building project, and the pathway to construction can be without unnecessary delay is enabled.
The following advice is provided with specific context of the relevant sections and parts of the NCC Volume 1, and the QDC is listed as follows:
- Operational requirements in the built environment
- NCC Section C Fire resistance
- NCC Section D Access and egress
- NCC Section E Services and equipment
- NCC Section F Part 3 Atrium construction
- NCC Section G Part 5 Construction in a bushfire prone area
- QDC MP2.2 Fire Safety in Residential care buildings
- QDC MP3.7 Farm buildings
The NCC Volume 1 and the Queensland Development Code (QDC) are two elements of the building assessment provisions2 that we have considered in developing this guidance for building development applications. We are fundamentally focussed on the operational requirements of fire safety systems and designs in building development applications, therefore we have developed the following section that states how we consider the operational requirements will have regard to the sections or parts of the building assessment provisions.
2Chapter 4 Building Act 1975