From 1 November 2023, you’ll notice changes to the way you get warnings for natural disaster events in Queensland.
The new Australian Warning System (AWS) means that warnings will be consistent across the country, across hazards, and easier to follow and understand.
Every warning will have an icon that tells you what the hazard is, and the warning level and colour tells you what the danger level is.
For information in another language, view our translated resources.
Advice warnings are yellow.
Advice warnings mean you are not in danger but you need to be alert and listen for warnings in case the hazard gets worse or closer to you.
Watch and Act
Watch and Act warnings are orange.
If there is a Watch and Act warning issued for your area, you could be in danger because conditions are changing. You need to act now to be safe.
Emergency Warning
Emergency Warnings are red.
This is the highest level of warning. Emergency Warnings mean you are in danger and you need to act IMMEDIATELY to be safe. The warning will list the actions you need to take to survive.
Watch for the warning signs
You will find bushfire warnings on our website, social media and on email if you subscribe. Follow us today.
From 1 November 2023, you will find flood warnings on local council disaster dashboards, websites or social platforms, or sign up for any opt-in messaging now.
You will find AWS cyclone warnings on the Disaster Management Warnings webpage from 1 November 2023. If there’s a specific local action needed, your local council can issue an AWS warning (like storm surge or cyclone shelter information). Before a cyclone starts is the best time to visit your council’s disaster dashboard, website and social platforms so you know where to go for local warnings information when the time comes.
AWS storm warning messaging will be added to Bureau of Meteorology weather warnings for severe storms with very dangerous cells. After a big storm, local councils can issue AWS storm warnings to tell their community what places have been damaged, any roads that are blocked, and where people can go for support if needed.
Queensland Health will be issuing AWS extreme heatwave warnings from 1 November 2023, and some more localised AWS heat warnings will be issued by local health services.
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Translated resources
- Arabic
- Bislama
- Burmese
- Chinese (simplified)
- Chinese (Traditional)
- ChinZomi
- Croatian
- English
- Easy English
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- Tetum
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- TokPisin
- Tongan
- Urdu
- Vietnamese
More information
Find out how to make your emergency kit
Learn about natural disasters and how to prepare